Skating Pond ON THE ROAD

I’m a homebody at heart … with a serious case of wanderlust. When I’m not ripping a room apart to renovate, I’m scheming to get out and see the world. Skating Pond ON THE ROAD is a resource for Family Travel for 5, Couples Travel, and Culturally Conscious Travel. (Skating Pond AT HOME is an ode to Coastal French style, so oui, France is high on the list of escapes).

While I’m not opposed to splurging here and there, I love to feel like I got a good price for my meanderings. I also like to get beyond the glossy and the obvious of a place — tiptoe in waters just beyond my comfort zone. Skating Pond ON THE ROAD has value-packed itineraries and thoughtful travel journals brimming with rich photos.

I also believe ‘travel’ starts minutes from home. As a parent of school-aged children, I’m on a pretty tight leash day-to-day. Even getting an hour from our southwestern Connecticut town feels like a departure, so I’ve included ‘Local’ posts, along with International and Domestic ones.

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For all the Coastal French styling your home can handle,
check out Skating Pond AT HOME

For all the good things your heart can handle,
check out Skating Pond IN SPIRIT