Skating Pond IN SPIRIT

To illustrate the little joys of living

Starfish on a sill .. lavender skies .. linen shades … some things are just Skating Pond in spirit! Here, you’ll find the little joys of living — recipes, products, and experiences that either instantly demanded to be shared, or have percolated and proved themselves over time. We’ve lovingly filed these under ‘Fluff’, ‘Stuff’, or ‘Full On’. By this, I mean we take trivial things like food and drink very seriously around here, but in the grand scheme of blog organization they’re ‘Fluff’. Items, brands or tips we’ve discovered and loved — you got it … ‘Stuff’. Pearls of wisdom .. passion projects .. noteworthy experiences and people — those are ‘Full On’.

‘Joie de vivre’ is the enjoyment of life no matter what … when we find it, we’re going to pass it along! To make sure you don’t miss a thing, subscribe to our emails here or at the bottom of the page! Click on a category below to dive into the Skating Pond IN SPIRIT blog:

For all the Coastal French styling your home can handle,
check out Skating Pond AT HOME

For travel itineraries, advice and journals,
check out Skating Pond ON THE ROAD